The last boss is too complicated

After a whole dungeon full of easy bosses and harder pulls, you'd expect the last boss to be fairly straightforward. Surprise! Siren has a whole lot of ffxiv gil that are going to punish everyone in the party if you're not fully on the ball, like the charm debuff and the flying away and the adds and Lunatic Song and the bleed and the charge and the charm AoE.

The first problem here is that it's difficult if not impossible to learn at first. There are dozens of things going on at any given moment, and on your first trip you have to keep all of them in mind because screwing up on one probably will lead to a cascading failure and wipe. This is the second problem: Too many of the mechanics give you no space to recover from a failure. You can probably survive a missed Lunatic Song, but good luck to you if your DPS has trouble dealing with Sergeants effectively.

Honestly, Siren feels like a Primal battle that's being shoved into a final boss role, which is unfortunate, as she'd actually make a really interesting trial a la Thornmarch. Instead, you basically have to swap over to trial footing on the last boss. There's too much going on and too many mechanics in a dungeon that has limited its bosses to one or two mechanics at most.

On occasion, fighting this boss has made me both hate my job and MMOs in general.Most of the pressure isn't on the tank More Info: