You got us all very excited for feature

This is why in most MMORPGs housing has a low entry level price and very high top level costs. By giving an entry level option you allow the vast majority of the population to enjoy a new, big and anticipated feature, and you raise their engagement level with the ffxiv gil, draining part of their in-game money in the process. By making the top level costs high, you enhance the money drain and give players something to work towards, enhancing their engagement level further and over time. By not providing the entry level, the feature becomes much less valuable and engaging for the player base as a whole and as a money sink as well.

Ultimately, Yoshida-san, you got us all very excited for this feature, and I hope you can realize that pulling that juicy carrot away now that we’re so near is a big downer for many.

Personally, you are one of the game developers in the industry that I most respect. I appreciated and appreciate massively the efforts you and your team have done to steer Final Fantasy XIV in the right direction. I’ve recommended (and I will still recommend) your game to countless friends, and I sang your praises as a video game writer, but I feel this situation is being handled in a way that will make housing ineffective both as an engagement factor and as an economy-balancing feature. More Info: