Fifa 14 gives tips to score and defend better in game

Fifa 14 videos with bizarre goals (Reuters)

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I've Arrived at Fifa 14 and is finding it difficult? Let the games aside for a moment and experience the training game. There you have all the time you need to adjust the commands and options.

You can, for example, take control of the defenders and face a full team. Try different defensive styles and choose your favorite.

Control the second man

Since the implementation of the stolen manual ball in Fifa 12, this is one of the most crucial tips for a good boom. Instead of running up the desperate opponent, press the left shoulder button or right analog control and another defender, giving coverage to the marker in front.

The other player will begin to be controlled by the computer immediately, as you try to score advances or contain other opponents with the rearmost defender. Keep in mind that this is not a strategy to use all the time, but it can be crucial to avoid goals against attack or moves the corners.

Slow down in the tackle

With the button trips, you can get the ball out of the opponent's feet and still retake possession for his team. The problem is that the stolen need to be overly cautious, as one wrong move will leave her exposed to infiltration kicks and defense.

Plan well before any movement to press the release button. Ideally, your player is facing, or at least diagonally to the opponent's onslaught is efficient. If the opponent is on his back, it hit the button a few times to make him lose speed.

Fold the marking

On some occasions, one player does not seem to be enough to hold an opposing striker. In this case, simply call the help of another defender holding the right shoulder button (R1 or RB).

Thus, a second player automatically attempts to take the ball from the opponent, and in the worst possibilities will at least bother him until reinforcements arrive. It is important to use markup folded with caution, since it can defalcate other sectors of defense, opening unwanted spaces.

Never turn your back on the attacker

One of the basic principles of a good quarterback also applies very well in Fifa 14. Whenever you need to race with some of the opposing strikers, never exceed and continue dialing back.

For this there is the left lever (L2 or LT), which makes his quarterback is turning to face the opponent. This makes possible trips and shopping, as well as stop the advance of the rival.

Do not forget stroller

Considered a violent move by many people, the carts can be extremely useful and clean when used in the right way. When the opponent is not in range of your player, a stand can make it reach the ball.

Wait for the right moment to dive, or your player will stretch the floor while rival continues quietly. Search hit the side or diagonally carts to avoid faults and any cards.

If everything goes wrong, call the keeper

As in all good football, not all the tactical application of a defense can contain the brilliant flashes of players like Ronaldo, Messi and Ribery. In this case, do not think twice about calling the help of the keeper to close the doors.

Hold the triangle or Y (Xbox, Playstation) buttons to make the goalkeeper out of the goal toward the attacker. A good idea is to give a light touch on the button to skip forward a bit Bowman, closing angles to trim unlikely. It is important not help much, or the goal will be empty for a kick coverage. You can click fifa coins to read more information