Patch 2.2 Launch Date Set


2_2 coil

  Today we get a rather lengthy written Letter from the Producer AND a Patch 2.2 release date!

  Well it’s official! According to the most recent Letter from the Producer, Patch 2.2 will be dropping into FFXIV on March 27th. That’s a Thursday for those of you keeping score so it appears we can’t bank on Tuesdays being the magic days when trying to guess release dates!

  As if that wasn’t enough, we also got some added tidbits regarding the glamour prism. There’s a few rules to consider if you were hoping to go hog wild on the appearance changes:

  They can be used on all gear the same or lower equipment level than your current gear.

  After using a glamour prism, the gear being copied can be entrusted to your retainer.

  As long as the base gear and the gear being copied occupy the same number of gear slots, you can copy the appearance of any gear equippable by your current class or job. If you want to konw more newest information, skill, guide or picture, come to: ff14 gil